

Sunday, June 14, 2020 – TaleWriter

Comment & Quote


If you are going to write, then you are going to have to read. We’ve all heard this maxim (or some version of it) before. I don’t like it. Not because of what it says, but because of how it is said–you have to read. Makes it sound like a chore. If you want to write and have to read, then you might have a problem. Reading (reading for the sheer enjoyment of it) or being read to should have already been a part of your life before the thought of writing ever crossed your mind.

Louis LAmour

I feel for people who don’t read past the first page or two of a book before declaring it “not for me.” They are missing much. I know we don’t all like to read the same things, and that’s good, but it is also good to try reading something you are not naturally drawn to. I have read a lot of good stories that I would have missed had I not pounded my way through a hard chapter or two.

— And so, I leave you with this —


“It is often said that one has but one life to live, but that is nonsense. For one who reads, there is no limit to the number of lives that may be lived, for fiction, biography and history offer an inexhaustible number of lives in many parts of the world, in all periods of time.”

~~ Louis L’Amour, Education of a Wondering Man  (1908—1988) ~~